Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Birth of Some Icons

So you're back then? Great, I was hoping you would be, as I've been making icons for you and finalising my Blog layout. Actually I've been doing that for the past few weeks - I'm getting waaay better at this.

Anyway, I mentioned last time about there being some changes to the layout of the Blog. My posts are now going to be laid out in a certain way. Instead of waffling on for paragraphs about it, I'm going to let the pictures do the talking. Then I'm going to talk a little bit anyway.

Features - You remember the posts that came in groups and took forever? Those were my
features, and they're back. And this time it's personal (no really, it is; I write them myself about personally chosen topics). All joking aside, there will be features and many more of them. On my side this time I have several contributors, all of whom can be found in my new look links bar (see "You Should Read These") from photographers to musicians.

Yeah, I'm not getting rid of these. As a woman I reserve the right to rant and rant until the day ends, and then come online and do it some more. Let's face it: you seem to like them, I haven't got in trouble yet and I quite enjoy getting my teeth into something now and again (HUR HUR HUR). Plus there's plenty of things out there in the great wide world that sometimes make me want to explode and spew molten loony all over the place, and I would really like to not do that.

You may have noticed that these things are crappily rendered in MS Paint. While that may be true, nothing will tarnish the love and care that went into these. At the very least they convey what they're meant to, so I'm quite happy with them. The little one on the top is a Media review. That denotes anything that can be seen, listened to, watched or played. And its little brother on the bottom there means that the post will be a product review (see the little handbag? I have an A Level in Graphic Design, damn it). As this is a blog aimed mainly at women, it is most likely to be an item of cosmetics, perfume, maybe a ladies' brand such as Bravissimo or No7. I like to think I am more than fair to you guys, so you can just ignore these (although please try and read them; they might help if you have a girlfriend you like to buy treats for, or they might just debunk a few myths and mysteries).

So there you have it. Also, for those of you on Facebook, why not become a fan of us there: don't act like you're too discerning, I've seen you liking "The Original Power Rangers".

Happy reading!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


In my recent break from Blogging, I’ve been taking a look at my work from the years previous and I’ve realised that in past months, I really did get lucky. About 18 months ago I was jobless, joyless, morose and bloated and stuck in a relationship that was about as charming and life-affirming as the ebola virus. Today I sit typing in my cosy two-bed flat while I eat the dinner made for me by the companion I’ve always dreamed of. If I met my past self, Present Neety would have given Past Neety a rousing pep-talk a la Shakespeare’s Henry V and Past Neety would have responded by knocking Present Neety unconscious and making off with her purse (I was desperate; JSA paid a measly £48 a week.)

Cutting to the chase, I have to say that my cheery disposition has drained my bile, and as a result I have had less to whinge about. That and I’ve managed to balance a course in Birmingham, a house move, a sick turtle, two jobs, a show, a wedding and several other minor activities into the last month or so.

So in the absence of Blog material and the presence of petty excuses I’ve decided to re-model LADYBLOG once again. And I’m not just talking about the colour scheme, I’m talking structural layout. This is me pressing the T-bar on the explosives switch. Here’s a quick breakdown of what you’ll be getting:

- Gasp! At the advent of descriptive ‘tabs’ which let you know which vein the post will follow: whether it’s a general rant, a review or a topic-specific article.

- Marvel! At the amalgamation of Take it or Leave it, my ill-fated reviews site with LADYBLOG to create one organised Blog.

- Wonder! At the new site layout and colour scheme (hey, I’ve just moved home, I’m in that kinda mood. It might even change again.)

- Laugh! With the introduction of illustrations, hand-drawn (loosely termed) by Neety herself!

- Ponder! The links to relevant articles, media and showcases from fellow Blogs, as well as collaborations from a range of sources: other Bloggers, websites, social networking polls, etc.

Now I must say that I admire those who can apply deadlines to their work, and in my admiration I must say that I will not be conforming to any strict deadline. I will be however starting to plan out my Blogs in advance and will aim for an update at least once a week in any chosen format. The first couple of weeks will be a trial format and I may change the layout of tabs and Blogs as I go.

May I end with a thanks to my loyal readers: LADYBLOG’s been going for a little while now and without trying to sound like Halle Berry collecting her Oscar in a veil of tears and showbiz snot I am genuinely overwhelmed by every comment I receive, or everyone who has personally admitted to reading a Blog (even if they didn’t necessarily like or agree with it). So thanks to you guys. Stick with me; the best is (hopefully) yet to come.